
How to contact us:

We would like to hear about your experience of the service you received.

Your feedback is important, because it helps our teams to understand where we can make improvements and where we are providing a good service.

You can provide feedback in a few ways:

  • Complete the patient feedback form on this page
  • Email
  • Telephone 0191 432 6191
  • Write to us at: Patient Safety Team, JMP Medical Ltd, Unit 27G Spencer Road, Blyth, NE24 5TG


It’s good to hear when we get things right. All compliments are passed on and appreciated by our staff.

Anonymised information is also shared internally through our staff newsletter, bulletins and reports. If you would like to send a card or letter to thank the staff who treated you, or to say thanks on behalf of someone else, please send it to our patient experience team.

Please include as many details as possible, so that we can make sure it reaches the right people.